
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


Arkvoodle 0

Ok the comments for this one are so predictable, everyone is saying you smoke YDI. Its his ******* life the only one who is a dumbass is you for criticizing his life. And btw, he accidentally hit the cop, so stop being such assholes because he smokes.

rustyrox 0

YDI & your're habit is going to kill you. I think this is a sign you should quit! :)

That would be an excellent story for smoking cessation. A person quits his habit for fear of hurting any more people.

rustyrox 0

#74 HDI for having a nasty habit in addition to smoking : littering.

YDC - You deserve cancer for being such an oblivious tool. Smoke all you want - it is your body. However, don't make others pay for your stupidity.

dumbass you shouldnt be smoking it can kill you and even if you do smoke you shouldnt litter... it serves you right to get busted by that cop

Wow two for one! Black lungs and a ticket...dumbass

ergo_fml 13