
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


YDI for littering. who cares if he smokes, let him enjoy it now because he'll be suffering the ******* consequences of it later on in his life. my dad stopped smoking recently after YEARS of trying to stop, and just yesterday he said to me after practically coughing up a lung, "shit, 6 months smoke free and im STILL coughing up loogies!" thank goodness thats all it was... so yeah, i hope that cop gave you what you deserve because quite frankly you discust me :)

suaveneanderthal 0

#120 or purpleiscool or whatever the **** you wanna be called. i live in the western part of north carolina and guess what?? Up here in the ******* mountains where there are no major cities for hundreds of miles my air quality is ******* terrible because all the smog and pollution comes in from the cities and get trapped in our mountains up here and ***** us all up thanks to you guys, so you cant tell me that moving away is going to get me away from air polluition i hope you arn't really that ignorant because if you are you need to get off this website and go read a book or two. you said it yourself that gas goes wherever it pleases and guess what? It does, so you need to understand that just because you live in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean the air pollution isn't a big ass problem like it is up here in the great smokey mountains national park.

Jae87 0

Epic! You are made of win! Great aim!

contrary to popular belief, the world IS your ashtray

#135-Oh, that hurt. Please note my sarcasm. I live in a town where thousands drive through each day to go work in the city, I know how much air pollution sucks. I live in a valley where the grass fires cause the air to be smokey, and where sometimes you can't even see the blue sky, or even sometimes when you walk outside for a few minutes, and you already smell like grass fire. And don't be blaming your poor air quality on me when I live on the other side of the country! What the hell is that about? And #134- I feel your pain, my dad smokes, and just about every morning I get a wake up call-him coughing up a lung. You would think he would get the hint maybe he should quit...

What kind of boneheaded thought process do you have to go through to think that there is nothing wrong with throwing a piece of burning paper and tobacco out of your window? Would you throw anything else out of your window? Do you only throw something out of your window when it could potentially start a fire? Dumbass