
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


#102-Well the OP should try to stop smoking. You'd be saving thousands of dollars a year. And yeah, everyone has littered at least once, but note everyone throws something that will cause grass and structural fires. And some of us, want to live a long healthy life, not a life interupted by chemotherapy.

#102/purpleiscool- Not everyone can stop smoking, my grandfather can't and his wife (my grandmother) died of lung cancer so he knows that chemotherapy is awefull. But still almost all the comments are acting like "you smoke=your an asshole" which seems ridiculous to me. Well, your right on the fire part.

AndelleRae 9

First of all, 63, you're a dick. You're calling the OP a horrible person for smoking when you wish death upon his/her innocent family/friends just because you don't like the fact that he/she smokes? Way to be a hypocrite. Second, I smoke. I rarely throw my butts out the window in cars, but on the times that I really have no choice, I ALWAYS make sure there is no one with a window down, on a bike, or in a convertible behind or near me. I know I suck for littering occasionally, but at least I make sure I'm not going to cause an accident by flicking my butts at vulnerable people. YDI for not looking before you leap.

#93: you're probably fat which is why you're so defensive about fat people... well, chances are you don't have an illness as that is a very small percentage of actual fat people. Secondly, and more importantly since it's not based on the speculation of assuming that you're fat, is that second hand smoke is practically nothing in comparison to the air pollution that you and the "children" you care so much about experience by living in any metropolitan area. It's also insignificant in comparison to the pollution that large corporations cause to the environment that affect millions of children in rural areas where corporations set up their factories. Please cite examples of second-hand smoke being a major contributor to lung cancer as opposed to air pollution and general corporate pollution. If you want to pick a fight, then pick a fight with the cause of the real problems, not people who make the choice to destroy their OWN lungs. Walking past a person and having a whiff of second-hand smoke might be unpleasant but it will not and never has been the cause of bad health conditions. Years of inhaling toxic car fumes that you can't escape by merely walking a few feet has been the cause.

YOU ARE MY HERO. hahahaha, seriously though, that is so cool. XD

#106 I understand it isn't easy to quit after being addicted to something for so long, but it's worth a shot. Just about everyone who smokes, knows how bad it is for them, it's just hard to stop. If I smoked, I would certainly attempt to quit for my own health and the people around me, but also the amount of money I would be saving. If you were to smoke one pack a day, and the box of cigarettes cost you $5, that's $1,825 a year. That's rent/mortgage on a house, about two car payments, so many options. And #109, not every person who stands up for obese people, is obese themselves. I, for example, am a skinny person, but I'm not going to be like "omg fatty stop eating that big mac." And you are probably one of those ignorant morons who refuses to believe in global warming and ozone depletion and drives around in a big truck getting 10MPG while contributing to the pollution. And if anyone hates living near factories, they can move. But you can't really get away from smokers now, can you?

Were you not looking as you drive?did the cop chase you if not **** his life