
By Anonymous - 13/06/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I was smoking in my car and flicked the butt… into the face of a cop on a motorcycle going the other way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 005
You deserved it 78 212

Same thing different taste


Glam_fml 0

58, try reading my entire post - I said use an ashtray. Moron.

YDI for smoking in the first place, but then for littering, the butts causes fires, asshole. Invest in some nicorette, no one wants to smell your cancer stick.

I don't usually hop on the YDI bandwagon, because it's usually a regular cornucopia of knee jerk reactions, but you did. Put it in your ash tray, or rub it out and put it in your pocket.

mjthegreat53 0

YDI for smoking and yeah mayb instead of complaining about throwing YOUR TRASH at a cop use a f**king ashtray #86-lol cancer stick funny but sadly also true

And also, I ******* HATE it when I'm driving, or worse walking, down a street and there is the horrible smell of a cigarette. How do you people enjoy that smell of cyanide, nicotine, and God knows what? Smoke all the **** you want, but don't do it in public. Some people go outside for fresh air, but that get's ruined by people like you. I hope the tobacco companies somehow go under, like everything else theses days, honestly I don't care how many people will lose their jobs, they deserve it for causing many people to develop lung cancer, and most is from secondhand smoke. It's better than millions of innocent people losing their LIVES. Or maybe the government will place stricter laws on smoking, and actually enforce it. I'm tired of people smoking right outside a grocery store, even though there's a law saying you need to be 50 feet away, I believe it's 50. So once again, I give you a big YDI. Enjoy your yellow teeth, respiratory problems, and other health issues until you die!

YDI for: Smoking, Smoking in your car, Flicking the butt, Not paying attention to where it was gonna land. Point: you're just ******* stupid.

I like how people on here say YDI for smoking whenever there is an FML for smoking but its always sympathy whenever there is an FML about being fat. Both of them will kill you and both of them are a choice. Smoking inside you could argue hurts other people because of second hand smoke but smoking in your own (moving) car there is just no ******* way that is going to effect anyone else significantly. The only reason the OP gets a YDI is for littering.