Classy guy

By Anonymous - 01/02/2013 07:01 - United States

Today, I actually considered my boyfriend romantic and deserving of an award when he didn't fart after sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 990
You deserved it 6 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mega20913 8

all the comments above me are negative in votes...tough crowd this morning

Maybe giving him an award will condition him to not fart after sex, try it!~


mega20913 8

all the comments above me are negative in votes...tough crowd this morning

And all the ones below you...are all these comments gonna be buried?

34 - omg are you like psychic or something?

Maybe next time you buy condoms, you should think about picking up some gas-x...

mangoboy1 19

How is it that guys like this can get girlfriends but I'm still single

Because being a nice guy with the sole purpose of getting laid doesn't pay off? Or because people look for something substantial in a relationship, and farting after sex doesn't detract from what he is currently offering her? Or maybe you aren't putting yourself out there enough? Whatever the reason, moaning about it on FML won't change anything, so go do something about if it's really that bad.

RedPillSucks 31

Hey, FML exists so we can moan about it here! I don't hear enough moaning during sex, though..... *sad clown face*

perdix 29

#19, just because someone is flatulent doesn't mean they are not nice. I've never heard of any correlation between intestinal gas and personal character. I've heard that Hitler was very gassy, but that is just one data point.

perdix 29

#19, because you're a whiner. Get out there, project some confidence and set some reasonable standards. If you are looking for the perfect woman, you will get laid once a decade and when the alcohol wears off, you'll realize she's not perfect.

Ahh at least he holds it in till you have finished!! Maybe he is being polite in his own way? haha

But it's all right, I'm jumpin jack flash, It's a gas! gas! gas! ***Sex after those Mexican restaurant dates might be to blame. I heard that it's considered a compliment if a guy farts in front of you. It means he's comfortable with you. One should be soooo lucky. :P

RedPillSucks 31
Pharmgrl03 9

It will either during or after. Your choice.

ulissey_fml 22

You call that romantic? Well, I'm a-gassed.

Whysocool 5

That statement must have blown him away. Hahah :)

My boyfriend farts after sex too- it means he's comfortable around you :p yeah it's kinda gross but eh.