Code of silence

By nean83 - 12/01/2013 05:11 - United States - Inglewood

Today, my dad was helping me move my stuff out. I'd asked my boyfriend to deal with my sex toys and lingerie, but still my dad showed up later at my new place, handed me a box full of them all, and simply said, "I don't want to know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 496
You deserved it 39 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a good Dad right there... He knew it was your business and he left it that way.. I'm sure he will be trying to forget about it anyway...

conqueror57 11

ALWAYS handle the important things yourself.


jazziloveberryy 3

#30 Hell, the OP could've been more responsible. Why couldn't she do it herself?

dontpanic_fml 32

Why didn't you handle it yourself you moron?

YDI - there was no reason WHATSOEVER for your sex toys not to have been packed before either your boyfriend or your father arrived to move boxes. Get your shit together.

JoeCookieRaider 5

Tsk tsk tsk, you should've dealt with it yourself OP.

I just want to know why that wasn't the first thing to go and why you didn't move that out yourself.

Are you sure we don't have the same dad? Cuz it sounds like something my dad would do if I had a box of goods lol

Yeah why would he look in the box? When we moved ours were in a box that my mil grabbed. Pretty sure she snooped bc she was ashy white next time i saw her and she absolutely got what she deserved. Learned how freaky her son is. Muahahaha! ;-)

YDI Thanks to your boyfriend. Next time you better move that stuff by yourselves

A box full!!! I make sure the girl I'm with doesn't need any... Gotta make that a point in the relationship. Handle it oneself...