Come again?

By Smash_Mouth - 08/03/2009 05:36 - United States

Today, I was driving down the road when I got to a red light. I looked over and saw a hot chick in a convertible, so I spoke to my window, thinking she couldn't hear me, "Hey girl, I may have a tiny dick but I make up for it in speed and stamina." She looked over. I forgot about the sunroof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 573
You deserved it 87 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you point to your non-existent bluetooth headset on the side of your head facing away from her and say "Ha, this lady thought I was talking to her- Sorry Miss!"

Hgm09 0

So now, not only did you announce your inadequate penis size to this young woman, but you've managed to tell the rest of the world, too. I mean, it's not really a big deal, but you obviously care enough to be embarassed that she heard you. You're pretty dumb.


Wow, you're really asking for "small penis" jokes. Well, YDI for your chauvinistic comment, your absent-mindedness and posting this on a public website. I'm still giving you a point for your sincerity, though.

jennyozz 0

what has me confused is that you were talking to yourself... about your dick.

jeez everyone is so critical of people who post their FML's. get over it, it's only entertainment. judging people on one incident that most likely makes you laugh is stupid.

hawkmcge3 0
alex_vik 0

So you were trying to pretend to talk to her? Are you really that pathetic you can't even talk to someone for real?

He was probably just making a joke to himself with it, we all do stuff like that sometimes even if what we say isn't true. Don't be so mean :p jumping on the poor guys back.

know_your_role 0

sun roof open wouldn't make sound more audible. learn physics.