Considerate boyfriend

By Anonymous - 29/05/2013 07:17 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I had to eat up a few specks of toilet paper to avoid spoiling "the moment" with my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 851
You deserved it 15 858

Same thing different taste


No.. Nooooo ! D: I would so stop. Why did you continue, glargh!

rassler4life 9
perdix 29

Real men spit! They don't swallow!

edmondk85 4

I read this one several times and still don't understand it.. ???

rokolodo 10

***********! Pie in the sky.

I've been in a situation like that before (as a girl). Although I'd honestly just washed myself with a hand shower beforehand and the toilet paper had come from drying myself after the wash. So it may not be as bad as it sounds. My boyfriend certainly wasn't subtle when he noticed it anyhow. :/

rokolodo 10