Considerate boyfriend

By Anonymous - 29/05/2013 07:17 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I had to eat up a few specks of toilet paper to avoid spoiling "the moment" with my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 851
You deserved it 15 858

Same thing different taste


umm... that's gross. I would want my husband to tell me if there was a paper trail. then I would invest in different toilet paper. FYL, man.

srogue74 5

we talking used toilet paper?

I do the same thing. (: I grew up in a country that always had bidets. Now here in the USA, that's not so common. I always keep an empty cup to fill with water to rinse myself off before getting intimate. (And even when I'm not) Even the best toilet paper leaves little T.P. pieces behind. A few rinses and I'm fresh as a daisy. It's called being respectful for the one that you're with. It's unfair to leave a paper trail. :P

I think he means he was eating her out and she had left bits of toilet paper behind. Pretty sure he didn't just snack on TP.

rafael58842 7
jayellef 3

Whatever, if I can gag down a hair you can gag down toilet paper.

perdix 29

#78, I wouldn't find it if you spit out a hair. Just as long as you didn't waste time and got back to work right away! I guess I'm just a gentleman that way.

It's just toilet paper, not really a big friggen deal. Not like it was blood clots or something.

Ohh NOOOOOOOOOO! These are one of those moments where I wish I could have you!

timss4 19

Are you sure it was toilet paper..? Lol either way... I feel for you OP

it's kind of sad that you don't have more self respect, that's just nasty!!