Cool beans

By oopsiecoffee - 09/04/2009 06:40 - Canada

Today, I went into a small coffee shop. In line, a guy came up to me and was like, "I haven't seen you here before, are you new in town?" and I replied with, "Oh, no I've lived here for years. The coffee here is crap, though, so I only come here when Starbucks is full." He's the owner of the shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 328
You deserved it 76 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, don't speak your mind to strangers, then, I guess.

Ninjahippy 0

Meh? At least he got some honest customer feedback.


kenziekai 0

that happened to me once. i was at a graduation party for one of my cousins and my dad was talking to some guy he called me over and says "hey kenz you know that store Job Lot" remembering the shitty discount store i said "yeah that store sucks!" the man talking with my father than shook my hand and said "Hello, i'm the owner of Job Lot"

ineedadrink 0

You are arrogant and this is not an FML. Does Starbucks treat you personally and welcoming like this shop owner did?

acertijo 0
Special_K 0
Flyboy 0

Am I the only one that goes to Starbucks for the Hot Chocolate?

Why would you say something like that while you're inside that coffee shop? Even if he was just a regular customer, maybe he LIKES that coffee.

how is this an FML? you won, he lost. :) nicely done