Cool beans

By oopsiecoffee - 09/04/2009 06:40 - Canada

Today, I went into a small coffee shop. In line, a guy came up to me and was like, "I haven't seen you here before, are you new in town?" and I replied with, "Oh, no I've lived here for years. The coffee here is crap, though, so I only come here when Starbucks is full." He's the owner of the shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 328
You deserved it 76 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, don't speak your mind to strangers, then, I guess.

Ninjahippy 0

Meh? At least he got some honest customer feedback.


Starbucks coffee tastes like shit. It's like it's burnt or something.

I like a good local coffee shop as much as the next guy, but if the local coffee shop sucks, you don’t have to go there, nor should you.

Well, if you said: compared to... you wouldn't be lying and still be polite. Be creative, people!

beany212 0


im not saying this is fake, but isnt it this similar from the FML a day or 2 ago? from when a guy was trying to steal jeans and then he told someone he was stealing it not knowing its the manager.

ffpoisongirl 0

Wow, way2subtle. Seriously though, that could have been phrased so much better. "No, I've lived here a while; I just happen to prefer Starbucks, and the line there was too long." Even if he weren't the manager, the manager could have been there and overheard. Hope you didn't drink their coffee; somebody probably spit in it after you gave them that gem of wisdom. And no offense other commenters, but that was definitely NOT constructive criticism. Saying something is crap doesn't tell them how to fix it; all it does is say somebody thinks it's shitty. If you were to say "The coffee is too weak" or "It tastes kind of burnt" or "It tastes like they use cheap grounds," THAT would be constructive. Otherwise it's just being a bit of a douche.

i don't understand why you said the coffee place sucks in the first place... the person you said it to clearly likes getting coffee there if they can spot out someone that hasn't bought coffee there before... so really by making that comment to anyone in that situation, even if it hadn't been the owner, would have been rude.

frozen_heart 0

dude **** starbucks so overrated and so overpriced