Creeped out

By Anonymous - 16/08/2010 04:11 - United States

Today, I met my recently divorced mother's new boyfriend. He is missing teeth and has long hair and a mangy beard. Horrified, I left the room, only to hear my mother telling my sister, "The sex is phenomenal!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 399
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

Missing teeth = *********** from heaven.

doink 0

That's not a creepy thing to say to a stranger. Not creepy at all...


EvilDave 13

How do you think your parents feel when you bring home some poser wanna-be gangsta with his 6X pants down around his thighs, 4X FUBU shirt, and ball cap on sideways on his white and nerdy head?

thts disgustinggg! I'd like nvr talk to my mom ad an 23 ftw!

mona_is_here 10

35, yep. If my mum would want to share the details of her sex life with me, I'd freak out and tell her to stop. Yikes.

I sure hope your mother and him get married and have children, I bet they'll be beautiful.

YDi for meeting your recently divorced mother's new boyfriend. He is missing teeth and has long hair and a mangy beard. Horrified, you left the room, only to hear your mother telling your sister, "The sex is phenomenal!"

my dick literally shrank when I read this that's disgusting

megamandude455 10