Dad jokes

By phoenix101 - 16/05/2011 05:40

Today, my girlfriend asked if we could spice up our sex life. She didn't think it was too funny when I laid out all of our spices on the bed. She now refuses to have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 020
You deserved it 67 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that's a poor sense of humor. Tell her to grow up and take a joke.


I want everyone that thumbed me down to go look up sarcasm in a dictionary, and then tell me what it means.

sassypants93 17

yea sarcasm really doesn't work on the web... just saying... better luck next time... and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be considered sarcasm even in person...

Tell me you're kidding and this is fake OP...

kportal69 5

clearly you don't have a sense of humor either.

Honestly, lighten up. if my boyfriend did this, I'd think it was adorable.

haha I would have totally laughed at the joke! that is epic!

zyxwvutsrqponmlk_fml 0

Ok, mods, might want to add a subject between if and could in the FML, I think "we" works there.

SteelCladAngel 0

I would have been angry too. it's hard enough telling your partner they're boring, and when they don't take you seriously it's insulting.

if I was in that situation and my boyfriend did that I would think it was cute and funny. people need to stop being so damn uptight.

SteelCladAngel 0

so you're perfectly comfortable insulting your significant others talent in bed by saying 'hey let's spice things up' int experience if a guy /is/ experienced there's no need to bring 'spice' to your sex life I hate when I try to have a serious conversation and people's insulting and shows they don't take me seriously there's a time to good around, an there are times /not/ to goof around

ClingyOtter 4

I don't know about you, but maybe a little bit of sex that is full of joking around sounds like spicing it up. Sex doesn't always have to be serious, bro. I would laugh my ass off if one of my future boyfriends did this.

Lighten up. He probably had intentions of talking to her seriously after. He saw an opportunity to make a joke and he did, and now his girlfriend is being a pissy bitch. Learn to laugh.

I applaud OP's positive and comical response to what could have been a hurtful thing to hear from his GF. He was more than willing to open up and show that he was willing to do things to please her. If his GF was offended or upset then she needs to take OP's response as an example of how to handle the situation. OP, fyl for having an uptight gf. take her out to a nice resturaunt and bang her in the bathroom.

News Flash: If you're relying on your partner's experience to keep your sex life exciting, you're doing it wrong.

carmy25 0

maybe he was good for all u know but the girl wanted some kinky shit just to switch things up and surprise her. I wouldn't take "let's spice things up" as an insult the girl is practically saying that she wants to get freakier in bed. that should be a he'll yeah

grumpybarista 0

Lighten up, steelclad. Jeez. You sound far too controlling for anyone to enjoy being around you.

ReynshineCutting 10

Irish Jane you're awesome! Ya my fiancé was a virgin when we met and he's the best I've ever had. Experience doesn't mean anything.

Geneside 8

Lol thats a little funny XD