Dangerous words

By lily - 30/08/2009 20:17 - United States

Today, my friend and I were making sandwiches at his house. His family's dog wandered over just as I dropped a large chunk of cheddar on the floor. The dog snatched it up and ran away with it. I yelled after it, jokingly, that I hoped it would choke and die. It did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 148
You deserved it 54 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amysbodybetrayal 0

Wow, that's what I call an obedient dog. Are you sure it wasn't playing dead?


Koalafrau_fml 0

Had the dog's owner taught his dog not to steal food or objects on the floor, it would be still alive and would have probably got a willingly-given chunk of cheese anyway. It's not like the OP had actually killed or tortured it, THAT would be criminal! So blame it on the dog's owners. It's like the stupid dogs chasing your car tires when you're driving; I would never kill any animal on purpose, I would feel really bad to run over a dog, but I would not feel guilty cause they are not supposed to run after people, bikes or cars and they are not supposed to be let alone and unleashed on the streets. French legislation is clear about that: whatever happens with a dog is its owner's responsibility. So OP, FYL if your friend is angry at you instead of questioning his way of educating his pets.

Wow, that's Karma in full. Why would you even ******* joke about hoping the dog would choke to death on cheese? YDI, and I personally don't feel bad for you, I feel bad for the owners and the dog you killed with your abusive language in hopes the dog would die. YDI, tottaly.

itsgen 16

why would you 'joke' about a dog dying ur such a bitch!!! i hope you choke and diee you fucken dog killer!!! yeah no one should feel bad for you as no one is

awwww. and shut up everyone saying 'why would you joke about a dog dying' cos it's just a joke!!!

Are you mentally deficient because of a medically defined mental retardation, or just undereducated because you were too busy getting high under the bleachers instead of studying in school? I don't want to mock a mentally retarded person, because that's just mean. However, if you're not mentally retarded, then please stay away from the keyboard and stop killing the English language.

Beef_Sister 0

How the **** is this YDI, she dropped something on the floor and the dog choked on it. That's FYl. The fact she said I hope you choke and die is a joke, it wouldn't change a damn thing if she said "oh my poor dog be carefull eating that!".

Lol I can imagine your friend's mom saying after, "Alright, who dropped the cheese?!" FYL for having to say that you did.

**** the dog, I hope there's reincarnation, and that it comes back as a starving ethiopian.

why wish death on anyone or anything even if it's in a "jokingly" manner? But why stop as wishing death? You could wish for the house to burn down, or for your friend's dad to lose his job, or the friend's mom to get cancer. Even for the dog to... oops sorry looks like that one was granted.