Demon child

By PeanutlyDisabled - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I was babysitting a new child. I guess she heard me tell her parents about my severe peanut allergy because she got a jar out of the pantry, spread it all over the stairs leading to where her fort was, and walked around with a baseball bat covered in it so I couldn't come near her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 794
You deserved it 3 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..And this is the reason my husband may interact with our child, but not actually TEACH her anything. He'd do this, I know he would. FYL, she's too smart.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that sucks! FYL!

Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat.

They are related by two words. Peanut and Butter. You're aware that drawing such a conclusion is farfetched and rediculous right?

Nikki, Darling, 85... did you really have to waste time explaining yourself to someone who couldn't grasp half the significance of a one-line post to begin with? ;)

strawberryswirl 0

Awesome! Now you can go read or do something else until the parents get home! How is this an FML?

PurpleKuSh_fml 0

hahaha lol she's funny n cool

Wow. What a little bitch. Personally, I would've called the parents right then and there, explained the situation, demanded they come home immediately, and ask for double full pay, and tell them you're never babysitting for them again.