Dude, what the…?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I woke up to my apartment filled with smoke, fire alarms blaring. My roommate set my kitchen on fire while making hot dogs. This is the fourth time this has happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 044
You deserved it 4 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xX504DBXx 0

man... not the hot dogs. looks like he's just gonna have to resort to ramen. hopefully he doesn't **** that up too.


Mewzakuro240 0

There's a beautiful concept you're obviously not grasping, OP. It's called Common Sense. Common sense would dictate that people who can't cook without starting fires, shouldn't cook, for fear of starting a fire.

I think I'd really be put out on living with her. I bet it's really putting a damper on your friendship. Perhaps you should intervene before it all goes up in smoke.

BadasS, until you can do better, don't rake us over the coals. Some of us like puns, so don't flame us for it.

mintcar 9

What? You should express your concerns until she GETS IT. If you can't cook and you know there's a possibility that you may burn down the house, then you should probably stay away from the kitchen. OP, either she sticks with frozen dinners or you handle the cooking from now.

DudeImBetter 0

why was 17's comment moderated. all he said was that idiots don't know how to make hotdogs.

seracy13 0

damn the blows maybe you should ban your roommate from the stove lmao

Ismellwin 0

Gotta give him props for determination.