Embarrassing little secret

By FML - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend forced me to climb out through his window, because he was too embarrassed at the thought of his roommate finding out I'd spent the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 485
You deserved it 5 679

Top comments


op could be gay and does not want his roomy to find out

DJRhetorical 4

He saved you from the walk of shame

Can't believe you did it... wait for his "room mate" to go out or something? I mean if he is really your bf you deserve much better, if it's just for the s*x well maybe he doesn't want his room mate to know...

tylermt1999 17
FleshForFantasy 3

I hope he's currently your ex. He's taking you for a fool and if you're still with him then I guess you are. You need to be with someone who really cares about you.

Your probably his second girlfriend and his first was comming in...

No guy gets embarassed to tell his roommate he had a girl sleep over. You sure he's not hiding something else from you?

leadman1989 15

Does his "roommate" = his girlfriend?

racquel102811 0

wow your gonna break up with him..right...?