Embarrassing little secret

By FML - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend forced me to climb out through his window, because he was too embarrassed at the thought of his roommate finding out I'd spent the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 485
You deserved it 5 679

Top comments


we dont know if OP is really a female. it could be another male, which would make it ackward on the roomate if he didnt know he was gay. Its just a thought, dont hate me know fml :)

Are you sure he was your boyfriend? People sure seem to overuse those terms nowadays. If they are a significant other then there is more than just sex!

You're not with that weirdo anymore are you?

perdix 29

You shouldn't have signed Sheldon's Roommate Agreement!

Mallrats lol except this was his roommate and not his mother

1kiki81 6

Wow that's defiantly not ok. Since when is that embarrassing?!

I hope you didn't do it... Also, I hope you broke up with him...

You sort of deserve this if you actually went out through the window. You should've just strutted through that place with a smug look and your head held high.

KiddNYC1O 20