
By Not dying. - 21/04/2015 07:55 - United Kingdom - Watford

Today, I started getting really bad chest pains at work. I googled it and the internet convinced me I was having a heart attack. Scared for my life, I started to dial for an ambulance when I let out the biggest fart you could ever imagine. Turns out it was trapped gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 022
You deserved it 10 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CODplayer4lyfe 24

Never use the Internet to check your symptoms. Never.


gobiteme2 34

Sounds an acts like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory

LostInTheZone11 29

On the other hand, it might have been the brussel sprouts.

Thankfully it didn't scare the shit out of you.

WebMD is one of the worst places to look: my eye hurts= cancer: I scraped my leg= cancer; I got a tooth removed and I have pain= cancer

MrZsDad 19

At least you didn't let it rip in the ambulance.

Google doesn't have a medical degree? Shocker.

The Internet: if you exist you have cancer. And probably heart problems too.

Geckosrock99 33

That is why if you're going to Google your symptoms, you should look at the most likely causes. That way you don't scare yourself like that.

I do the same thing. I'm always convinced there is something wrong with me