Final push

By satisfied88 - 02/06/2011 14:49

Today, I had an orgasm for the first time in almost three months. My husband was beaming, saying he had given it his all and was ecstatic that he had finally satisfied me. But to be honest, I'd remembered we had a bag of potato chips in the kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 738
You deserved it 16 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doc_j 0

what in the world. a bag a chips? break it to ur husband that hes never gonna do it for you unless he cums skittles in ur mouth from now on

What would you do for a bag of jelly beans?


CharlieH94 0

You love chips THAT much?! Gross lol...

I got a bag of Salt and vinegar potato chips on my end. What you gonna do about it?

SteelCladAngel 0

I got four bags of salt and vinegars, two bags BBQ, a bag garden ranch and a bag if sour cream n onions. we're not fat I swear we just had a biiiiig picnic

TalkinSmack 6

if the thought of potato chips get u off, u must be a FAT MESS!

imagine what would happen if you eat those potato chips

Messy crumbly sex with orgasms everywhere

Annies 17

Where on EARTH does it say OP is fat?

Jazzalyn 10

When I first read this I thought it was saying that OP orgasmed because her husband ate some chips before - the ones in the kitchen. I know it doesn't say that now...but I somehow interpreted it like that. (It's 3:20am. I can't think rationally). But why are people calling OP fat? Food can be used in sexual situations. Chips...are rather unconventional though, I think...