
By james88 - 07/01/2013 21:39 - United States - Altoona

Today, in an elaborate plan to finally meet my cute neighbor, I convinced my friendly mailman to switch up our mail so I'd have an excuse to meet her. After I delivered her mail, I waited for her to mention that she had my mail, but she never did. I even saw her take it out of her mail box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 558
You deserved it 37 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She probably just hadn't looked at the mail yet. I really doubt she wants to steal your bills.

OhMinty 5

Lol im surprised the mailman listened to you.


blcksocks 19

Just go and introduce yourself and talk to her. you don't need cheap tactics like this. If you really like her, you'll overcome the fear/shyness.

CountDuk 5

Haha "overcome the fear" - your pic fits perfectly!

^no it doesn't, a pic of The Scarecrow would fit best.

Well don't jump to conclusions..maybe she didn't get the chance to check her mail.

No I think it was a fun attempt to get to know his neighbor romantically! Most the time meeting a neighbor results in a friendship.

i think she screwed up by not knowing what happened.. i think shes kind of stupid.. and for thinking of something like that i think op is smart.. op looks arent everything you need to find someone thats as smart as you and shares the same interests because if shes that dumb chances are you may not have anything in common..

I don't think the fact that she didn't notice the name on the mail at the time necessarily makes her stupid. Maybe she realized it later for all we know. Also, where do looks come into play here?

Woah wait a minute. What makes you think she's 'dumb'? I must be missing something here.

yourmurderscenex 13

17 - you have quite the imagination.

why not just go up and talk to your neighbor and avoid dumb plans like that

Valiumknights44 12

Another reason never to play the game... Now you have no mail.

perdix 29

She obsessed with you and wants to know ALL about you. She's a creepy stalker, but since she's cute, it's alright . . . adorable, actually.

She probably hasn't looked at the mail yet, but instead of coming up with clever plans to talk to her,just strike up a conversation someday then you don't have to deal with awkwardly going to get your mail from her :)

xsarax_fml 10

Actually I think that's a cute and clever way to meet someone :)

Me too. I think it's adorable -- think of the cute "how we met" story they could tell at their wedding!