By Ouch - 17/03/2010 16:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By LizLiao - 14/04/2009 07:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/02/2011 03:28 - Canada
Are you OK?
By Anonymous - 24/09/2024 09:00 - United States - Austin
By poop - 18/05/2009 17:25 - United States
By Doors Hate Me - 02/03/2013 14:09 - United States
I don't know my strength
By Anonymous - 09/01/2022 06:01 - Australia - Perth
Big one
By Cnscott0205 - 17/11/2019 14:00 - United States - Denver
By minustoenail - 12/10/2012 05:58 - United States - San Francisco
By GreenMonstR - 25/04/2009 05:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/08/2019 04:00
Top comments
fail for OPs boobs being so small that the door could hit her and give her a third boob
I agree
how's that even possible? and why would someone that isn't old enough to have boobs even use this site much less post on it
are your boobs that small or is the bump that big?
that's awful
yeah does that mean you have tiny boobs?
That's either a huge bump or you have some small bewbs. lol
I still don't understand how u can be in highschool or older and still have THAT small of boobs
I was still wearing a training bra my freshman year of highschool. I just hated it in the locker room, so my mom got me VS push-up bras. Im still only a B at 27. Also, one of my friends was smaller than I was(completely flat), and she was BY FAR one of the most gorgeous girls in our high school. Boob size has nothing to do with your age, just your genetics.
stupid genetics
this is soo like that scene in Total RecLl, wit the three tittied hooker, and the midget with the machine gun! Arnold Schwartzeneger movies FTW!
er Total Recall
So I'm guessing you have really small boobs cause I can't imagine the bump being that big
3 boobs... hot. plus I like small breasts. far from an fml.
#60 - thank youu! ugh haha. i dont have the biggest boobs either and theres nothing i can do about it. some guys don't like boobs that much, like my boyfriend doesnt a whole lot cause his mom and sister have like huge boobs so he's been surrounded by them, he prefers a butt which he likes mine haha.
Same thought here.
tiny bewbies!
Wow that takes skill
tri ****!! that's sexy
what the **** is a boob??
the ONLY option is that she is flat chested unless the op is just using a retarded metaphore ther is NO WAY that a bump could be as big as even a small boob
YDI for having **** so small that a small bump resembles ur ****
ibtc alert (itty bitty tity committe)
115 ur hot ;P
140- great observation Holmes, how did you deduce that?
lol 1st comment ftw
the more the better
I'm assuming 3 boobs is concidered a turn-on..... in some countries
Potatoes: A boob is slang for a breast. It is also what one might call a person who doesn't know the common usage of the word "boob." :)
yup .. sometimes life sticks ya with bad ones...
166- I was referring to Sherlock holmes
60 in another fml you said claimed to never have used push up bras...
hahaha yea like mosquito bite status. sucksss :( well the more the merrier :) I guess? think positive!
worst status in high school: boobless in senior year must suck for them ppl not to be full of myself, but my pecs are bigger than a few girls **** at my school
lol bitch ****?
Fight Club FTW!!
I have a friend that is like flat as and she's 16 but that's coz she's so skinny, not saying she's ano or anything just naturaly skinny
o 116- I was refering to pectoral, the chest muscle, no, I'm not fat, more skinny than chubby
#158. that exactly like me. i weigh 6 and a half stone and I'm 16. doesn't matter how much I eat I dont put on weight. therefor all of me is small including my chest. but I've decided to go for cosmetic surgery because I can't stand being teased anylonger. it's tearing me apart -.- feel sorry for the op like
o.o I doubt the bump is that big and round, unless your boobies aren't o:
Yeah. I once knew someone with three thumbs. But they were homeless and lived in my attic. I discovered him when I came home to see him eating my Lucky Charms. He then snarled and flew away into my chimney. I just shrugged and went to Publix. The free cookies there are so suprisingly delicious!
haha. capenters dream... FLAT AS A BOARD!!!!
#48 wtf.....shrooms?
expired fruit punch.
Publix cookies are the best...especially when they're free!
yeah.. i say you show pictures
ydi for having tiny ****.
That's not exactly her fault. But maybe she can keep slamming the door in the same places. When the lumps stack up, so will she.
woo! small boobies!
Well, if it welts up, it could be a good sized bump. Also, she could be saying it hit the top of her boob, left a large bump, so it would be like another boob growing out of the first? Idk, Im just trying to come up with ideas!
I didn't know you could get bumps from injuries on anywhere but the head :s Yeah, swellings, but they tend to be smoother and generally not boob shaped. If your boobs are small enough that a swelling would look lke one, I gotta admit I'm kinda envious. My boobs are 32HH, I haven't been able to run since I was 16. Grass is always greener on the other side eh?
it will make it more fun to dance with you
Your **** are tajt small?
That must be one hell of a big bump.

fail for OPs boobs being so small that the door could hit her and give her a third boob
You must have tiny boobs.