
By AussieGirl - 21/11/2009 11:40 - Australia

Today, as I put on my pajamas, a large spider ran down my leg. After freaking out, killing it, and recomposing myself, I went to the bathroom. As I sat down to go to the toilet, I looked up to see hundreds of baby spiders hanging over my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 169
You deserved it 4 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't of killed that spider, fear for your life, my friend. fear.

i saw that once when i was a kid. yeahh like 15 years ago. I used a staff to killed a big spider in my bathroom and thousands of baby spiders crawled out from her stomach. It freaked me out so I wet a cloth with gasoline and burned them all :D


oh ****. some smiliar happened to me a few months ago. except all the baby spiders were crawling on my bed... I didn't sleep in my room for 3 days. ._. dear god... bad memories

I would have burned my mattress. O-o

**** that, I would've burned my entire room.

Cyrus00 41

I would've burned the house down. that would have made me cry lol i'm now looking up in the corners of my room just to double check lmao i honestly feel so bad for you!!

I miss my country. Nothing like getting into your shower to come face to face with a giant huntsman spider.

So should I be thankfuk the worst I've found in my shower is a centipede?

marryspencerreid 22

Huntsman are the nice ones. Funnel webs you gotta watch out for

Baby spider gotta avenge their mom! Bitch gotta pay!

alex_vik 0

I knew this would be from Australia before I even checked the location. Oh, and if I have multiple comments show up, blame the site, not me.

I almost got into a car wreck because of a spider.

Seriously I don't clean up my place that often, but how dirty is your place to have that many spiders in it? either that or there are holes in the walls and it's letting them in

No, that's Australia. Would you like spiders with your shoes? Or with your shower, or walk, or nap. They are EVERYWHERE. And a lot of them are deadly! Australia is scary =[.

Bud_fml 16

In Australia, that's quite common DX

oh australia. even the most average spiders are humongous. they don't die even if you stamp on them with your shoes.

most spiders have around 3,000 babies at a time

Geometric 18

Glad NZ doesn't have anything like in Aus, I feel sorry for you guys over the ditch