Game on

By sasquatch21 - 21/02/2010 13:36 - Bahrain

Today, I realized that my husband has a video games addiction. I am currently pregnant; he brought us to the same country he's in so we can finally live together, only for me to witness him being glued to his laptop all day and all night playing WoW. He's forgotten I even existed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 620
You deserved it 5 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol she's pregnant with his kid and you're asking if he's still a virgin?

My boyfriend has a XBOX 360 addiction. Try getting into WoW so you'll have a commen interest. You know what they say "Cant beat 'em, join 'em"!


Who said she didn't know him well enough before she married him? He could've easily hid his addiction from her before they got married and moved in together. Heck, people with addictions can hide it from people they live with every day.

I say start playing. Thats what I did and me and my fiancee have the time of our lives playing together.

did he REALLY forget you existed?? or is WoW just that much cooler then you?

x805xUnknown 6

"I was playing Halo 3, I was playing Halo 3." (I know OP was not playing Halo 3, but this post reminds me of a YouTube video.)


your only solution would be start playing wow also :D very addicting game. try it out and understand WHY he is addicted. blizzard had to make it addicting or they wouldnt get their 15 dollars every month from the millions of people who play. also, lmao @ the 'what server does your husband play on' comment. but honestly if you gave it a try you wouldnt blame him. my boyfriend and i play wow together. real life SUCKS! :| remember that.

quit complaining. at least he doesn't have an addiction to **** or cheating on you. be greatful for what you have.

pop put a rutty and squirt milk in his eyes. then he'll notice you.