Game on

By sasquatch21 - 21/02/2010 13:36 - Bahrain

Today, I realized that my husband has a video games addiction. I am currently pregnant; he brought us to the same country he's in so we can finally live together, only for me to witness him being glued to his laptop all day and all night playing WoW. He's forgotten I even existed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 620
You deserved it 5 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol she's pregnant with his kid and you're asking if he's still a virgin?

My boyfriend has a XBOX 360 addiction. Try getting into WoW so you'll have a commen interest. You know what they say "Cant beat 'em, join 'em"!


YDI for getting married to a man you don't know

My boyfriend is currently on the same game and is truly an addict and every time he is on it I just nag him till he gets off and pays atention to me. ;P

Twin_Uzis 0

That's not a video game addiction, that's a WoW addiction. Splitting hairs, I know, but they ARE classified as different things.

doomsdore 0

That really sucks, some guys at way too addicted to their WoW.

What you married him and got pregnant by emails or something?

notwierdgifted 0

Maybe you should start playing WoW, then. Spend some quality time with him. ;)