Game on

By sasquatch21 - 21/02/2010 13:36 - Bahrain

Today, I realized that my husband has a video games addiction. I am currently pregnant; he brought us to the same country he's in so we can finally live together, only for me to witness him being glued to his laptop all day and all night playing WoW. He's forgotten I even existed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 620
You deserved it 5 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol she's pregnant with his kid and you're asking if he's still a virgin?

My boyfriend has a XBOX 360 addiction. Try getting into WoW so you'll have a commen interest. You know what they say "Cant beat 'em, join 'em"!


nerds do not = virgins. I'm playing WOW and typing this whilst having beautiful, gentle and passionate sex.

lol this reminds me of the video on college humor about he family addicted to WoW

thedivinecomeD 0

WOW is fun. but nowhere near as fun as sex!!! :D I'd give up a raid for a panty raid any day!!!!

johnbdough 0

you live in Bahrain! one of the richest middle eastern countries! and your husband brought you in so he's obviously loaded. quit bitching.

colderpenguinn 0

some ones gotta kill the lich king amirite??

Pail17 0

Your life sucks, WoW is ******* faggotry at a high.

I do not think that women understand that video games are far more important than they are, GO MAKE ME A SAMMICH!!!!!! Lol and ladies don't get mas lol you know its not true ;p