Geography major

By dating a fucking idiot - 08/09/2012 19:16 - United States

Today, my father bet me $200 that since my boyfriend is "such a stupid shit," he wouldn't be able to locate Paraguay on a map. I gladly accepted the bet. Not only did he not know where it is, he actually accused us of making the country up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 901
You deserved it 13 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

6 some people don't know where it is, doesn't mean you have to call them idiots. It's not like you were born and you already knew the whole map

Psych101 9

I'm pretty sure anyone with a decent education knows where it is. At the very least they should know that it exists.


I was born in Paraguay haha 80% of the ppl that i tell that too ask "where is Paraguay"

3pi 6

I don't know where the **** Paraguay is, but at least I know it exists. I guess I'm only half a stupid shit

medichick 5

I don't really think this is a big deal. Once you get out of high school and get into a field that has absolutely nothing to do with world countries, does it really matter if someone knows where the country is?? I don't think so.

I graduated with a 4.0 and am in the intel part of the army planning to go CIA after my service and I had to look up which continent it was on. I knew it was a country but the country is a smaller less discussed country. so lots of people are unfamiliar with its location on our planet.

3pi 6

It was okay for him not to find it on the map but thinking u guys made it up? I think ur boyfriend needs to educate himself!!

dumb **** loooool! n there r still ppl who dont know where it is...what rock have some of u been living under FML!

WhisperSoflty 20

Yes, please continue to ridicule people who don't busy themselves with knowing the name and location of every country ever. You're clearly brilliant, what with your lack of basic sentence structure, capitalization, spelling, and use of chat-speak with gratuitous letter repetition... Oh wait. Now, learn how to string together a coherent comment and maybe someone will begin to take you seriously. Until then, sit down and shut up.

I don't know where it is. And 185 is correct.

Im from honduras and not many people know about my country either.

Lycanian 3

You're dad is just a distrustful bitch, or your boyfriend ****** up big time. My girlfriend's parents love me, no matter how stupid I seem, because I treat them, their daughter, and myself with respect.

Megan98 18

I just learned where Paraguay is. Did something happen there where it's basically un-American to not know the location?