Geography major

By dating a fucking idiot - 08/09/2012 19:16 - United States

Today, my father bet me $200 that since my boyfriend is "such a stupid shit," he wouldn't be able to locate Paraguay on a map. I gladly accepted the bet. Not only did he not know where it is, he actually accused us of making the country up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 901
You deserved it 13 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

6 some people don't know where it is, doesn't mean you have to call them idiots. It's not like you were born and you already knew the whole map

Psych101 9

I'm pretty sure anyone with a decent education knows where it is. At the very least they should know that it exists.


I think your dad had an implicit message with this whole bet thing... Your username sums it up actually. FYL.

Is your boyfriend perhaps related to that miss teen USA contestant who didn't know where " the Iraq" was located?

ideasrule 13

I have to admit that I couldn't have located Paraguay on a map, but at least I knew it was a country somewhere in the middle of South America. Now I know it's between Brazil and Argentina.

So Standardized testing isn't something your boyfriend took part in. You should teach him. On what continent is "Paraguay" located? A. Africa (not) B. Antarctica (no one lives here) C. Asia (doesn't sound like Paraguay to me) D. Australia (It's Australia, seriously, NO) E. Europe (This one they throw in there to trip you up a little) F. North America (Is "Paraguay" a state or Canada?) G.South America (DING DING DING DING)

You mean a state or "province in Canada". it's clearly not "Canada", only Canada can be Canada

He means a State (in the US) or a part of Canada. Which are both parts of North America.

Australia isn't a continent, do you mean Australasia/Oceania?

Unrelated, but 70, I have that same exact color brawler set on my veno as well. Former Lost City represent. Ok, I'll slink away now.

They don't teach you about other countries other then your own and American in Canada... Unless you take advanced classes for it... Can't know where something is if you never heard of it before... It doesn't make anyone stupid.. It just means you know more of a subject then someone else... If I used this "your stupid" logic, you would all be brain dead to me on the subject of anthropology.

Are you kidding me? My mother was teaching her 4th graders of South America. I learned all about the world through my school year. Either you're going to a school that apparently is too stupid to teach you about the world, or you didn't care to learn. As for Canada, I'm engaged to a Canadian, and he knows more about the world then I do, and he learned it all throughout his school years.

Like I said ignorant bitch, in Canada they don't teach you this stuff unless you take class for it, otherwise it's basic Canada and a little bit of america. I don't care what your mother does, or your boyfriend. I'm just stating a fact from my part of the world. Doesn't make me "stupid" it just makes others ignorant for thinking so.

And like I said, most of the schools there teach of all the world, not just their own country. You're calling me an ignorant bitch, but you're the one who's so close minded you can't possibly listen to anything you don't want to believe.

Just to note: my schools didn't teach any geography besides America and Europe, mostly. Not to say it's a bad school, because we had the best test scores in the county. I myself would've said that Paraguay was in South America, but just from a guess. We only learned about it if we taught ourselves out of interest. And really, it's not extremely important unless you live there or are dealing in international relations. Just saying.

I'm Canadian and we never learned about anything about America in school unless it was directly tied to Canadian history. I still can't name all the states but that doesn't mean I'm stupid, it just means I have better things to do with my life than memorizing pointless information.

Sadly only its incorrect information in other countries they teach about all the other countries in the world not only ur own

I'm Canadian and 9th grade geography (mandatory in Ontario) covered general information on all the continents (enough information to deduce where a country is likely to be from its name) not to mention Canadian news often covers foreign countries and shows a map of where that country is when they do

99- Do your "better things to do" include stripping to make minimum wage when you could of had an actuall job- but I guess having a job would mean memorizing stupid stuff that they teach you in school.

perdix 29

You really need to give your dad $300 for such a colossal failure, and let him choose your next boyfriend for you. You don't pick well yourself.

I'm not going to say YDI for dating a moron, but YDI for betting your father $200 that he wasn't. You would've known, after spending time with him, the intelligence level he had.

I'm willing to bet if I asked 95% of you a random geography question, you would be wrong or clueless. (without looking it up)

I completely agree. For example: what is the capital of australia? It's surprising how many people don't know this

Canberra. Almost everyone I ask says Sydney.

Trisha_aus 15

Yes and I reckon Sydney is what comes to mind when they hear Aus..that and Roos. Know that Melbourne is a much nicer place ;)

Really? I don't know exactly where Paraguay is. I mean, I know it exists, but you're not a "stupid shit" for not knowing where it is.

No one ever pays attention to geography in high school... At least not more that necessary my school made it a bigass rush to just fill in blanks and stuff but the kid should at least recognize it as a country... As long as his specialty isn't reality tv then you're ok, just show your dad what he DOES know :-)