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By Boar - 24/06/2012 20:51 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, while I was waiting at a red light, another car slammed into me. By the time I got out to assess the damage, the other car was empty and there was nobody in sight. Either Moby Dickwad was abducted by aliens mid-crash, or he was behind on his insurance payments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 361
You deserved it 2 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nadnerbz 6

I can't stop laughing at "Moby Dickwad"

Damn_Hippster 11

I think it's pretty obvious that he was abducted by aliens.


And you know it was a guy how? Coulda been some chick applying makeup. :)

wubbazugg 5

"Moby Dickwad".... So much win...

You can still salvage the situation. If you wrote down the car model, color, and lisence plate and gave them to the cops, they could find out who it was and force them to pay. Not only that, take them to jail for a "hit and run".

Probably either stolen or they were illegals and didn't want to get deported.

ffemt189 4

The officer will just run his plate, and can get his insurance that way, also he is getting arrested for fleeing the scene of an accident, can't fix stupid

Well, I hope he knows that they have his liscense plate...

Looks like you hit a car parked at a red light!