Get out of my way

By toyotasmash - 07/10/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, my sister and I got into an argument at a tennis court which ended up with her trying to run me over in the parking lot. I stepped to the side and hit her door, denting it. My parents expect me to pay for the damage caused by my sister trying to kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 863
You deserved it 3 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maddy121 0

Refuse to do it! And put a LOT of bleach in your sisters shampoo to make her hair get ruined :)

jay4who7 0

that's messed up I'd take it to court u would win for sure :)


But she DIDN'T kill you, and you DID dent her car. Neh??

freespeech 0

hmmm u must be 2nd born and not the 1st..... well that has to be it! lol

If you pay a pennie out of that damage, you'rea complete idiot. Don't let people bully you like that. What are you retarded?

No, just tell Your parents no, deal with it. Just like a one I read about the OPs motorcycle being in the driveway, their mother visits and rams into it. Then says since it was the OPs birthday, the OP could pay for the damages