By notmyday - 25/02/2009 23:26 - United States

By notmyday - 25/02/2009 23:26 - United States
By KaRaSu - 22/11/2008 12:24 - France
By crap - 26/03/2009 08:37 - Thailand
By 0h_Boy - 20/04/2016 20:03 - United States - Brooklyn
By Velian - 09/12/2008 08:59 - France
By dfhgblsf - 05/04/2009 19:15 - United States
By unsatisfying - 28/10/2010 05:05 - Australia
By Anonymous - 02/03/2020 01:00
By Hikara - 13/04/2009 13:44 - Australia
By Alex - 31/03/2009 04:41 - United States
By DamnThatsHarsh - 16/10/2009 18:04 - United States
Sayeed is the best. Spoiler alert: Locke dies and the smoke monster is killed by Jack.
its a compliment! can you keep it up for 20 minutes and not blow?
Definitely worth it.
she is right
Hey, you can't miss an episode of LOST or else you'll be even more confused!
I'm not sure if this is a relevant similarity but it seems to me the same people who talk about these TV shows like it's their life have a similarity with those who play World of Warcraft, and that "insert TV show here = life," and that they can't miss a single event. However World of Warcraft is frowned upon but these TV shows aren't.
Damn, you got ditched for a TV show. That ******* sucks. In all honesty, I'd dump her if she's gonna be like that.
Wow. Step up your sex game bro...
Hey, you can't miss an episode of LOST or else you'll be even more confused!