
By Ouch - 15/08/2009 07:51 - United States

Today, I was very sick and kept throwing up. I took a shower after every time I threw up. While in the shower after I threw up, I had to throw up again, so I got out and ran to the toilet. I slipped on the tile, broke my nose on the floor, and then threw up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 626
You deserved it 11 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you take a shower after every time you throw up...? FYL, but the actions themselves make no sense.

WHy would you take a shower after every time you throw up? If you're that sick, you barely have energy to run to the toilet and then back to your bed, let alone stand in the shower. YDI, but honestly sounds like crap to me.


FlaminYawn 0

YDI for running OUT of a shower with running water to throw up, do you get out of the shower to go pee too? Stupid...otherwise, based on what did happen, this is a true FML.

cyurihsung 0

The ****? That's disgusting! People shouldn't pee or throw up in the shower, it's disgusting. It's what the toilet is made for, and if you vomit in the shower you'll get the shower all dirty.

Peeing in the shower daily will save you $1000 a year in water bills. Who's the dumbass now?

Guess you never heard the old adage "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down."

There's no point in showering after each time you vomit.

prettykitty123 0
mister_moops 0

what the ****? why do you need to shower every time? besides i'm sure you could've just puked in the shower. it washes right off like magic!

philly8608 0

If the OP was throwing up that much the probability of eventually having to throw up while showering had to be pretty high, so YDI for not having a contingency plan like putting down towels from the toilet to the shower.

hahahahhaa its ur own fault have a nice time puking

damn dude what did you eat? I guess you should have a bib and a barf bag handy next time your stomach starts to act like a douche bag. Fyl.