By Ouch - 15/08/2009 07:51 - United States
By Ouch - 15/08/2009 07:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/06/2019 02:00
By Anonymous - 10/11/2019 14:00
By Preggo - 10/12/2016 01:51
By Anonymous - 31/10/2009 19:40 - United Kingdom
By Heather Scurfield - 21/03/2021 10:59
By Sickie. - 02/09/2010 16:03 - United States
By sicktomystomach - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 25/09/2010 02:35 - United States
By Meagan Ortiz - 16/08/2020 23:02
By Anonymous - 13/05/2019 12:00
YDI for not puking in the shower and for taking a shower after puking
Wow. everyone here that is saying to puke in th shower rather than stepping out to the toilet is stupid. A normal person would have tried to make it to the toilet like the OP. To everyone that is saying the OP deserves it is also a dumbass. How in thee hell could someone deserve that? A broken nose and then puking on him/herself? That's just a bad misfortune, not something they ******* deserve. I swear the thing that pisses me off the most is people replying with stupid, ignorant, childish, stubborn, remarks that makes the OP look like a complete **** up. Sure that's what this site was specifically designed for, but there's a FINE line between a You Deserve It, and Your Life Is ******.
YDI for wasting so much water
total bullshit, unless you have an endless stomach or you eat after you puke, you wouldnt be able to puke that much, your stomach would have nothing left in it.
I call BS. You CANNOT throw up that much at a time. If you throw up once, it takes out pretty much everything in your stomach. 3 times in a row is impossible. If this was real, you're probably the fattest thing on earth. Jeez. But really, who the **** voted yes on this? How did it get through moderation? I bet that this will make the top deserved list in no time, since there's no BS button after all. My method of having a smooth time with a stomach virus: If you have a stomach virus, always keep an extra bucket with you and throw up into it, clean it out once you stop throwing up. It saves water and saves the mess. I only take a shower when I first throw up on myself, once I discover I'm sick, I don't take a shower until it's over.
Not really. It's happened to me before, but i ended up in hospital for a week :/ I don't get why the OP needed a shower after everytime. You should've waited 'till you were done spewing.
Three times in a row is definitely NOT impossible. I threw up nearly constantly for about 5 or 6 days a few months ago due to some virus, and sure, after a while you're just dry heaving, but stomach acid/bile can last a lot longer than you'd think. :/
Why didn't you puke in the shower? Also, I don't see why you needed a shower every time, unless you puked on YOURSELF, you can just use mouthwash to get rid of the smell and taste. YDI for being a bit thick. :|
Why would you take a shower after every time you throw up...? FYL, but the actions themselves make no sense.
WHy would you take a shower after every time you throw up? If you're that sick, you barely have energy to run to the toilet and then back to your bed, let alone stand in the shower. YDI, but honestly sounds like crap to me.