
By marriedtoaretard - 19/02/2012 22:45 - United States

Today, I came home from out of state. I found out someone online had told my husband that the "fumes" from hot showers can be lethal. As a precaution, he removed the draft-blocking bathroom door to make sure it's "properly ventilated." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 374
You deserved it 2 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

No privacy is the best policy.

Hmmm my brother is in the shower.. Im gunna go block off any ventilation you know just to test this


Next, remove all doors from rooms with fans so you don't suffocate. :P

TheFamilyElf 17

Hey, it's nice to know he cares. :P But I wonder who he was talking to that gave him such great advice...

Yep evaporated water can be DEADLY!... To your hair products.

bizarre_ftw 21

Slap him in the head, explain to him that those "fumes" are water vapor and why they can't hurt him, make him put the door back on, and sign him up for a chemistry course at the local community college

Aww, he's just trying to protect you.

Tell him about the leak of the deadly substance Dihydrogen Monoxide, see how long he buys it for, and when he finally figures out that he's stupid, slap him for good measure.

He might be afraid to drink water if she says that...

fogrunner 13

They may have been talking about what happens to plastic wallpapers / floors when heated. (I haven't a clue.)