
By SURPRISE - 10/06/2009 00:13 - Canada

Today, it was my girlfriend's birthday. To surprise her, I told her that I was going away on business, and could not be there on her birthday. When I show up at her house to surprise her with a present and cake, she opens the door in her underwear, beside a man in his boxers. She was surprised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 672
You deserved it 6 827

Same thing different taste

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Damarys 0
eagle20 0

damn man sorry to hear that. but you shoulda thrown the cake in her face and said happy brithday bitch


"damn man sorry to hear that. but you shoulda thrown the cake in her face and said happy brithday bitch" totally agree with them...

gingermonster16 0

Hahaha. FHerL That would be embarrassing for her, and she will probably feel bad about that for a while.

uh it was HER choice to cheat on him... and he should just dump her. she should feel bad

more BS. answered in undies with a dude in boxers? puuuulease

Shizden 0

If i were you I'da whipped out my schlong and asked for a threesome... If the guy was hawt atleast. :)

slutsstud 0

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You got thumbed down by all the girls who dont want to admit the truth in that you're right. Treat a girl like she's your world and youre not enough. Treat her like she's not enough and she'll do everything to be your world.

As sad as this is... I agree..... Any time I was nice. We broke up and stopped speaking, anytime I treated a girl bad "not akn abusive or mean way but like not replying to txts or calls, saying I'll hang when I actually wont" and still to this day those girls still "love me to death"

Nissi 17

I would then smash the cake in her face. FYL, dude.

Kiss that bitch goodbye, you're too good for that :)

Shizden 0

PS: I know this'll be said because it sounds sorta unreal so- *SNEEZE* Sorry I'm allergic to bull shit.