
By SURPRISE - 10/06/2009 00:13 - Canada

Today, it was my girlfriend's birthday. To surprise her, I told her that I was going away on business, and could not be there on her birthday. When I show up at her house to surprise her with a present and cake, she opens the door in her underwear, beside a man in his boxers. She was surprised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 672
You deserved it 6 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damarys 0
eagle20 0

damn man sorry to hear that. but you shoulda thrown the cake in her face and said happy brithday bitch


gingermonster16 0

#25 I'm a straight girl. I don't have a taste in women. And I'm sorry I offended you for trying to cheer the guy up. OMGZZZZ MY TASTE I WOMENZ IZ TURRABLEEEE

Vermelle 0

You totally overreacted. Had you actually taken the time to look, you would have realized she was talking to 16, not you. She wrote the number down wrong. Dumbass.

This is most likely fake. Why would the guy be standing next to her, in his boxers albeit, while she answers the door? Sounds a bit much like a movie scene


i agree. throw the cake in her face :) if this is true.

I'm just wondering whether or not she was with him due to her resentment over you ditching her on her birthday... She's a bitch either way, but to be fair, that was a really dumb masterplan, genius. What if she'd made other plans (you know, due to feeling miserable that her boyfriend was gonna ditch her on her birthday)? A nice thought tainted by idiocy. Better luck next time.

privera92 0

Go back to her, **** her hard n then dump her ass in public. YDI cus u were obviously the nice guy that buys flowers n cake on her bday, while the bad boy brings his bulge into her "downtown" party. If u know what I mean. I've been the before, and girls **** me instead. Perhaps I've made bad choices, and so did u, but rejection is the worst feeling of all. The more the girl feels rejected, the more she will go after you to make you like her. She WILL want u to like her. It's bullshit when girls say they would dump our ass for treating them bad, I'm not saying kick the bitch in the face and force her into house slavery, I'm just saying that there's already one girl in the relationship. Girls want that security in a guy, assuming that the relationship is between one man and a woman of course.

PhilipTheDeacan 0

You sir are an idiot. maybe that's how it works with emotionally unstable teenagers, but I can guarantee you that no woman is going to want to be with a douche..er I mean man like you.

kellster 2

Well, you were a douche for doing that in the first place (telling her you were going to miss her bday), but that doesn't give her the right to cheat! Way out of line. What a bitch, I'm so sorry!

You probably should get to the bottom of that.

#27 they hate clothes and avoid them as much as possible.