
By SURPRISE - 10/06/2009 00:13 - Canada

Today, it was my girlfriend's birthday. To surprise her, I told her that I was going away on business, and could not be there on her birthday. When I show up at her house to surprise her with a present and cake, she opens the door in her underwear, beside a man in his boxers. She was surprised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 672
You deserved it 6 827

Same thing different taste

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Damarys 0
eagle20 0

damn man sorry to hear that. but you shoulda thrown the cake in her face and said happy brithday bitch


Aw you seem really nice and sweet. You don't need to be dating a ***** anyway, be glad you found out now and not years down the road.

atomicmrpelly 2

What a *****. At least you found out and she can't string you along any longer.

FYL and YDI, shoudn't have lied about you getting there, if you really care you drop everything for the birthday, she got angry and decided to do what she wanted on her birthday because she though you didn't care. Conclusion : do not make surprise parties

you deserve way better than that ****! I'm sure that there are a lot of other girls for you.

Throw the Cake at her and say Happy Birthday Bitch!!

you should've said something like, 'hey, have fun ******* my girlfriend.' and then looked at her n been like 'SURPRISE!!! you're a ****!!!!! n then left the cake there for her anyways. and smashed the gift(unless it was a pet or something, then just keep it!!!)

So that's why people hate surprise parties! And why the hell did they open the door? Who else were they expecting?

ok that´s sad.. i share ur pain... u´d go and find some other girl.. and never say ur over.. bitches cheat on u when u do that haha..