Hey guys!

By iannie - 31/07/2011 21:45 - United States

Today, I went to the beach. While I was swimming, I noticed a few really hot guys passing. Trying to be sexy, I slowly got out of the water, showing off my body. I showed a bit more than I expected when I realized my bikini bottom had fallen off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 390
You deserved it 39 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shybear15 0

And you couldn't feel it slip off??? 0_o


bubo_fml 10

Did they admire the bearded clam?

well of your well groomed your good and if your not then your in trouble

How is this an fml? You wanted their attention and you sure got it

Iceing11234 0

aww ruined ur day made there's

zembof 3

That's what I call sexy it's like skinny dipping

7sevensevenseven 0

haha that sucks but is realy funny and how did u not feel that