
By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 00:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend trying to put his penis in a hole in our bedroom wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 946
You deserved it 5 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Next time, go around to the other side and surprise him.

xAttackAttackx 25


This sounds like something my boyfriend would do. Dont worry OP youre not alone.

nofearjenshere 12

Thats an... interesting form of ************.

My brother was doing that and I was on the other side of the wall so I poked it with a pin

mauguster 15

One who has holes in their walls? And too much free time to think

BigSlingin 0

Damn that would like... Hurt.

Ahh yes, I remember this one time, my girlfriend got grounded and I had to drill a hole through her bedroom wall to get my pecker in. That was one fine BJ.... (...she was 18 so STFU...)

How was an exterior wall thin enough to allow that?

When a man is determined to accomplish something, nothing is impossible.

RedPillSucks 31

Are you sure it was your girlfriend on the other side? (choices: Mom, Dad, Dog)

Lmao at #77! It is kind of presumptuous to believe that if you blindly cram your meat through a hole in the wall that it Will be your girlfriend! Mom, dad, dog? Damn, why disclude the vacuum cleaner, the visiting weird uncle or the challenged older brother since we now have a list? Brutal! :) (Of course, that was if I really believed the glory hole fantasy "Driller" here has shared with us. No offense friend, but if you could get away with that, why wouldn't she just open the window and have an actual affectionate moment or conversation or even a kiss or something?) :)

what about the people driving by her house... "oh that guy just has his pants down & is smashed up against the side of the house, it's no biggie, happens all the time around here!" Uhhh...what? Haha

Petunia888 13

Maybe he was her brother in the room next to hers. O_o

Lol at #95! nice! And #125....the more I think about it....the more that would make sense....in a disturbing....way.... ;( Ick.