
By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 00:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend trying to put his penis in a hole in our bedroom wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 946
You deserved it 5 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Next time, go around to the other side and surprise him.

xAttackAttackx 25


imwithstoopid126 2
luckyd880 12

He was just trying to plug the hole so the cold air didn't get in duh.

Sorry, but... what is wrong with this behavior again?

@164: I don't like your sarcasm. I've actually done that, and my sister appreciated my penis stopping the cold air. Our apartment was overall warmer and once she came back with the duct tape to cover the hole, I actually saved us several hundred dollars from making sure the heater didn't overwork itself. So it's actually a noble cause to stick one's penis in a hole in the wall. Thanks. Also, I got extra special treatment that night from her for my good work ;). Incest is real.

fieldhockey101 0

Poor hole. What if someone saw this happen through the other side of the wall.. Blinded forever.

saphire512 3
muffdriver27 5

Hahaha glory hole that's the funniest. You should have done something about it.