
By Anonymous - 26/12/2011 00:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked in on my boyfriend trying to put his penis in a hole in our bedroom wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 946
You deserved it 5 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Next time, go around to the other side and surprise him.

xAttackAttackx 25


He's preparing for the Glory-Hole Regionals, which could qualify him for nationals, leading to a tour around the world.

He's preparing for the Glory-Hole Regionals, which could qualify him for nationals, leading to a tour around the world.

Lol, I can already see that happening! The judging committee for this spectacular event would have to include Ron Jeremy, Dr Sue Johanson (sex with Sue) and of course Simon from Britain's got talent! Can only imagine the kind of ratings you'd reel in there! ;)

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Is it wrong for a man to stick his P in a H on a W? Man, I never knew that! Thanks for the insight haha.

Did the wall ****** or was he too small for it as well?

Raybundles 5

Nature's plaster ? He might have a future in carpenting .

He's taking a big chance on a bad spider bite, or worse a rat! Explain that one in emergency!

He better be sticking it in your hole now...

kg163401 0

There is probably a reason he stuck his dick in the wall

Next time go to the other side with ur dog and let ur bf think it's u and record the action. Then u have some handy blackmail footage!

littlemsweirdo 12

Oh um okay..... Three letters Wtf? :) nah just kidding, cause this is totally um normal...... o_O....right?