Hot and… greasy

By cortanaisahobot - 19/07/2012 20:29 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I told my boyfriend I wanted to spice up our sex life. He suggested incorporating bacon. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 663
You deserved it 6 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course he's serious. Bacon is no laughing matter.


LO388 7

People on here love bacon (myself included). Prepare to be destroyed OP...

strawberrywine22 30

Well, what are you complaining about? There is nothing bacon can't improve.

#24 you are the guy they never invite to parties, aren't you?

olpally 32

Awesome boyfriend! Bacon is pretty amazing! even better with sex... Giggity! :D

CVeNgineer 0

Everything is better with Bacon!

Bacon condom..... IT'S MY IDEA!! Nobody steal it!

Go to a condom company and pitch that idea to them now!!!

Wait, so do you eat the bacon condom by itself or with the **** in it?

Me at the meeting with condom company: "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a revolutionary idea. One that will change the course for sex across the globe. *whips pants and underpants off* The bacon condom! It's slim and tasty exterior provides a soothing taste for the giver and also a cosy interior for the receiver."

I would invest heavily in that idea. You sir, or ma'am are a genius!

Another idea: bacon foreskin replacement! Shoomaki, if you see the executives eyeing your privates and licking their lips, don't be scared. It's part of the process.

Don't worry I'll pork her good. Make her squeal for mercy. And after we go through all that. When we're all hot, sweaty and smelling of bacon. You now what I'm going to say? "You have seen the power of bacon. A tool of mass pleasuring. Now sell it." Only then will it be sold to the population.

snowsfalling 4

Dude... Greasy though.. Non greasy bacon condom? Extra crispy -w-

But how will I get boyfriend's **** into the microwave to cook the bacon? All of him just won't fit...

MarisaCB 16

114... that was so bad. I mean, positively awful. It sounds like you're in denial, and compensating by posting the size of your boyfriends genitalia on the internet.

I will be allergic to sex if those are used ._.

SkoomaKi - I hate to burst your bubble, but bacon flavored condoms already exist!

143- I think he was talking about a condom made of 100% bacon.

KingCeltic77 18

Got your slogan. "Bacon Condom; for your big meat when your porkin it".

SkoomaKi- I thought you were a girl until the *whips pants and underpants off* part

KingCeltic77 18

For when you REALLY wanna eat her out.

brohamas16 7

Well it's one good thing with another

ur just jealous cuz he thought of it first

eat the bacon then burn off the carbs with sex. I see no problem here.

Bacon has carbs??? O.o ****!!! I've been doing Atkins all wrong!

Why wouldn't he be serious? He loves bacon. He loves you. He loves sex. Have some fun with it!