Hot and… greasy

By cortanaisahobot - 19/07/2012 20:29 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I told my boyfriend I wanted to spice up our sex life. He suggested incorporating bacon. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 663
You deserved it 6 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course he's serious. Bacon is no laughing matter.


Emily9352 13

Seriously? YDI for not appreciating this genius idea. Bacon makes everything better.

What next? Ketchup and mayo lube? French fry vibrators? Polish Kielbasa ******? If I see those items in your cart...I'll know. -_-

Redditor! Does he have an insane love of cats too? :p

godhelpusall111 12

Bacon strips and bacon strips and girlfriend strips and bacon strips.

All I know is you need to make sure your boyfriend doesn't turn out like George Costanza. He too once went down the path of incorporating food with sex. Doing so he finally couldn't distinguish between the two and would get turned on when eating... Just some advice.

Put that shit inside of your pussy and the rest us history.......

pwnman 33

He's right I tell you! Instead of having candles use bacon

DarkDaedalus009 8

Bacon makes everything better :)