
By Anonymous - 31/03/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, he finally entered me, then paused and asked me, "What do I do now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 588
You deserved it 16 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i definitely don't think that's a fml, i think that's rather cute. he wasn't scared to say that he had no idea what to do, which means he obviously wanted to please you since he was asking you what to do.

lol that would so be me on my first time although that's why we have the internet.... it helps a lot haha


poor guy, Give it another shot and get tips from p0rn sites.

partake_fml 2

You guys are stupid. Of course he kinda knew what to do, but he was just really stressed out and was wandering HOW he could do it so he can give her pleasure..... In theory t sounds really simple.. In practice, with all the emotions and stress, it's way more complicated.

I think I've read this FML, or one very similar to it, before.....

That's awesome. But I don't think he was trying to be taken litterally...

baller_9 0

thats hilarious. everyone knows what to do once you are in.

So why didn't you tell him , jesus , better yet why don't you do all the work .

lazyyboy00 0

This is why we should wait until we're married to have sex! Nothing like awkward virgin sex. Anyway, I take it you're not a virgin, even if he is. You should have known. Train him well, think of it as an experience, not a burden (like you imply here), and don't leave him worse off after you've gone.

... Marriage doesn't automatically make you a non-virgin. You'll still end up having "awkward virgin sex". If anything, the added pressure of AMAZING wedding night sex would make this even more awkward. I suppose. I know I'd feel the pressure for it to be amazing ten times more.