Ironic, isn't it?

By KC. - 25/04/2012 20:06 - United Kingdom - Cambridge

Today, I got into an argument with my mother, when she snapped and called me a son of a bitch. I said that made no sense, because I'm a girl, and it'd only really confirm that she's a bitch. She then grounded me for insulting her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 490
You deserved it 8 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

Oh, how enjoyable it is when parents make themselves look like fools. Too bad the laughter and snide remarks have to be made inside.

Well thats ironic for a mother to say "son of a bitch"


happyface92 3
Rooney77 3

The fact that you live with your mom makes you her *b* so you kinda do deserve it?

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

If OP is getting grounded, I think we can safely assume that she's a teenager and dependent on her mother until adulthood.

I have done the same, difference is I have lived under my own roof and not my parents for the past 22 years and my mom smacked me, it's been over 10 years since my own child has got a spanking so yes you do deserve it OP sorry !!!!

melrose90210 10

Come on now, you know it's just an expression. YDI for being a smart ass. Can't tell you how many times my mom said that to me when I was younger.. She woulda slapped me.

johnnyrogers97 9
nightowl713 25

Well honestly you deserve getting into trouble. For some reason teens today think its alright to talk to their parents like they are pieces of crap, when there is no cause for it. Some situations I understand, but had I of spoken to my mom that way i would have gotten a back hand to the face. Each generation just gets more and more disrespectful. And I ( and I say I, I don't mean every thinks this) believe its because nowadays baby's are having babies. And the way kids are being brought up is much more lenient than before. And no I'm not old. 24 actually, but I was damn sure raised right!

pinkpixie06 11

You make a very valid point!

I have a feeling if u got the kind of parent that calls u a sob, then ur grounding won't stick or be taken serious. Good luck

Things are gonna get shitty for you from here on in but I applaud your heroics :-D