Ironic, isn't it?

By KC. - 25/04/2012 20:06 - United Kingdom - Cambridge

Today, I got into an argument with my mother, when she snapped and called me a son of a bitch. I said that made no sense, because I'm a girl, and it'd only really confirm that she's a bitch. She then grounded me for insulting her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 490
You deserved it 8 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

Oh, how enjoyable it is when parents make themselves look like fools. Too bad the laughter and snide remarks have to be made inside.

Well thats ironic for a mother to say "son of a bitch"


Thats what you get retard. P.s. don't get in a fight with your parents, you lose every time.

She's a retard for one upping her mum, who pretty much insulted herself? What kind of topsy turvy world you live in? Tatooine?

Hahaha sounds like something i would think! I wouldn't say it though. Parents pretty much always win...just go bitch to your friends later :)

It seems you're a whole bunch smarter than your mum is.

This is why we can't have nice things!!

xLalala 4

Hey, parents call it talking back, we call it explaining.

Haha good for you! I would have done the same thing! **** it would be worth it;)!

That sounds like my Mother all the way! Politely correcting her and getting in trouble for her being clueless!


YDI, OP was probably cussing out her mother to make her snap like that - although that was a very good comeback.