
By guessimdead - 19/04/2009 23:07 - United States

Today, I went to my new job at a pre-school. I was really excited because everything was going so well, and a little boy even said he was drawing a picture of me. He even gave it to me when he was finished. Well it was me, but I was also on fire and being stabbed and shot multiple times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 114
You deserved it 3 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I'd be talking to that kid's parents.

Inspired22 11

Yeah, talk to the parents. That was entirely inappropriate. Some action needs to be taken before he grows up too much on that path!


It's the parents fault, though i'm sure they'll blame kid drawing shit on the media or schools :)

aerials_fml 0

Ouch. I guess you better watch your back. haha.

#13, gotcha. =} Er, some comments already got deleted. Sooo, FML number fail in general. :(

Kids at that age do NOT "just do that sort of junk". A kid at that age shouldn't even know what stabbing or guns are. The fact that they very readily understand how those things work and would apply them to someone shows a MAJOR problem. I wouldn't talk to the parents, they'd probably stab and shoot you. Show a superior or a social worker or something. Something is wrong in that child's life if he's in freaking preschool and drew someone being stabbed and shot.

Hahaha, this'll be doubly funny if he turns out to be in the vein of creepy psychic death-foretelling-through-innocent-pictures kids commonly found in Hollywood movies. Pleasant dreams :)

duckduckchicken 0

#12 So raising five kids makes you an expert on other people's kids too? It may be normal for YOUR kids to draw shootings and stabbings but for OTHER preschool kids it is definitely not normal.

that's pretty messed up, but it is kind of funny

Loe_307 0

Actually I was 1st, there was a funky glitch and it didn't post right away. I was pwned by the net. FML??? Nah. Hehe

bitca 0

I know this is just FML and nothing should be *serious business* (I can't bring myself to shorten it as is often done) but drawings of that sort can be the sign of abuse. It could be just the parents allowing him to view inappropriate films or video games for his age, but violent drawings are often textbook for abuse cases. You should show it to a psychologist.

C_Wicked27 0

Yeah, that kid has some problems. If I were you, I'd show that picture to the school counselor and see if they can get that kid the help it sounds like he needs.