Knackered and shattered

By Out of Shape - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Egypt

Today, I decided to start exercising. I almost passed out five minutes into the warm up, and couldn't even stand in the shower afterwards. I'm only 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 123
You deserved it 35 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BooGhosted 0

Keep at it and you'll never regret it again. At least in a few weeks anyway.

why would you need to shower after doing nothing


meganseesstars 9

at least you're trying! i guess you deserve it for letting yourself get that out of shape, but its never too late! unless you die of a heart attack.

why would you say something like that? rude much?


Rubbing one out doesn't count as a warmup.


Shit didn't see the gender symbol in time. Same difference though.

Are you doing Insanity? Let's talk! Indispensablyfit @

You can totally fix this, but it'll take a lot of work! I believe in you! It would be best to talk to a Health Care professional first, to find the best way to meet your goals. Good luck!

maddi79 0

Get into shape man! The ladies will love you!

RainbowHeadache 2

Don't start out so vigorously. It's bad to start an exercise routine with more than you can handle. Keep working at it though, it will definitely pay off. Being 21 makes no difference since only a few weeks of not working out makes you lose a lot of muscle no matter what age really. Good luck!

This is where Wii Fitness comes in handy, unless you are Sandman and can't hold a remote

YDI for being out of shape. However, at least you made the effort. Keep trying to avoid a heart attack at age 22.