Knackered and shattered

By Out of Shape - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Egypt

Today, I decided to start exercising. I almost passed out five minutes into the warm up, and couldn't even stand in the shower afterwards. I'm only 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 123
You deserved it 35 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BooGhosted 0

Keep at it and you'll never regret it again. At least in a few weeks anyway.

why would you need to shower after doing nothing


Jazzalyn 10

What exactly were you doing to warm-up? If you're almost passing out just by warming up, then that's definitely a bad thing. I'd look at what you're doing in the warm-up that could cause that...

missalice0306 19

At least you're doing something about it

fahquad 4

You don't have to be fat to be out of shape.

ShroomsOnAcid 16
hwp123 0

"have you fallen before and couldnt get help""then you need life alert"

Someone's out of shape...Oh well, at least you're starting to do something about it. Just keep trying and don't give up, OP. Good luck(:

Just keep going. Im sure you can do it.

To be fair, you live in Egypt. Exercising there is like exercising on Venus.

BloodyDraven 0

Try walking a long distance first, then jog, then run, ull get in shape a lot faster than just working out

caligirl0948 5