Knackered and shattered

By Out of Shape - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Egypt

Today, I decided to start exercising. I almost passed out five minutes into the warm up, and couldn't even stand in the shower afterwards. I'm only 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 123
You deserved it 35 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BooGhosted 0

Keep at it and you'll never regret it again. At least in a few weeks anyway.

why would you need to shower after doing nothing


Deciding to work out, then actually trying it, is good. Don't listen to the YDI's. It's not as easy to work yourself out of a rut as you think. Take it slow, and make sure you progress. Get a workout buddy if you can. You'll be running the 5k soon enough.

rj33445 4

Just cause she's worn out after warm ups doesn't mean shes a fat slob... Come over girl, I'll whip you in shape!

xavierpineda2 4

I'm fat and I can go longer than this; my problem is over-doing it as well though. I can't seem to feel like I accomplished anything unless I feel like I'm about to pass out. How do you work out efficiently and actually feel like you've done something?

at least you are trying. start out slow, like doing abs, and curls or some kind of arm exercise and also throwing up is good, passing out from working out is good, it means you are working hard.

You might want to get that checked out... You shouldn't ever be fainting or weak after only a few minutes of moderate exercise... Unless you are morbidly obese, of course... If thats the case, then good on you for starting! Try to start off a little more slowly--you'll do yourself harm if you try to leap in head first. Patience is key.

Wow good for you that your exercising. Keep at it and persevere. You'll do great, and that's normal don't worry, just back away from smoke and all that bad stuff, and good nutrition is a big boost when getting healthy. Takes a lifestyle change but you'll love your life later on. Good Luck! =D

Cbartram3 0

Keep it up. Next time you might get that last roll in and fall out of the bed then its all smooth sailing from there.